Family Tips

Ugly Babies: That Taboo!

It’s time to break a taboo of a nameless hypocrisy: the ugly baby. Because yes, there are ugly babies at birth.

OK my baby is ugly

According to a British study, 20% of mothers accept to admit that their baby is ugly. I would like to congratulate those 20% of honest moms who admit when it is the case.

Let’s face it, after giving birth, your little one is wrinkled, purplish and deformed with a flat head and a double chin. So even through the prism of love, you have to admit the sad truth: your baby is not the most beautiful baby at birth. Or at least not yet… But just wait until he gets his little love cheeks, until he looks at you with his mischievous eyes, until his hair starts to grow. In short, until he looks more like a baby.

Ugly babies, ugly parents

You know that old saying? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. When you find an ugly child, your girlfriend’s, neighbor’s or whatever, you often just have to look up to see that the parents aren’t so great either! In fact, we can say that there are as many ugly babies as there are ugly parents. I’m just saying that…


My baby is ugly, but will be a blast as an adult

It has been found that many babies who were not spoiled by Mother Nature at birth turn out to have a more than advantageous physique as they grow up and then as adults.

It is the same for children who are the laughing stock of the playground with their bad haircut, their big glasses, their small frail body or on the contrary too chubby. 10 years after high school, they take revenge on life, becoming bombshells and complexing in their turn, their former school friends.

Social pressure

Come on, admit it. How many times have you found yourself in front of a horrible baby and been forced to say to the parents: “Oh, he’s so cute! You are an actor of this hypocrisy yourself, because the social pressure is so strong. You can’t tell the truth to the parents, who think that it is the 8th wonder of the world. As it is a pure and innocent being, it must be cute…

They are ugly, but we love them anyway?

But fortunately, it is not because he is ugly that he will be less loved. We don’t love our child because of his appearance. A mother always loves her child with an unconditional love.

However, a recent study has challenged this universal truth. It was found that ugly babies suffer discrimination from their parents and adults in general. They are children who receive less attention.

So are we always honest with ourselves?

Definitely, this taboo will persist for generations to come, as it is not acceptable to admit to your best friend that your son could be the lead in a horror movie.

But rest assured, the ugly duckling always turns into a majestic swan. You just have to wait a few years…


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