Family Tips

Practical tips from moms: removing vomit stains and odors

There you go, your little one has just lined the inside of the car (or the couch, or the carpet…) with vomit! Once “the big stuff” is out of the way, there’s one thing you’ll have a hard time getting rid of, and that’s the lingering smell! We asked our super moms for their secrets on how to get rid of vomit stains and odors, check out their answers.

White vinegar

“This tip comes from my mother-in-law. While we were just a few feet away from her home, our son suddenly threw up his entire meal without us having time to react. After cleaning up as best we could, there was still a particularly strong smell. My mother-in-law advised me to mix white vinegar with water (1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water) and to rub the spots with it. Once dry, no trace and especially no more smell!” Sophie, mother of Mathias 2 years old

Bicarbonate of soda

“The last time I threw up was on the sofa! The sofa was not removable and it was a complicated affair. After cleaning with slightly soapy water to remove the stains, I sprinkled my couch with baking soda. After letting it dry well, I vacuumed the affected areas. Effective!” Karima, mom of Ilyes 3 years and a half


Ground coffee

“I got this tip from a friend who is a flight attendant. After cleaning my sofa several times, the stains had disappeared but not the smell. Skeptical, I decided to try the tip my friend gave me. I sprinkled the smelly areas of the couch liberally with ground coffee and left it for a short hour (on my dry couch). I then simply vacuumed up the coffee. I have to admit, it worked.” Laurence, mom of Sybille 11 months

Soda water

“To remove vomit stains without damaging fabrics, simply put sparkling water on the stains (after removing the largest of them of course) and absorb with paper towels.” Denise, mom of 19-month-old Terence


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