The Top 10 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Mods! (2024)

You can now use Mods in Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017)! EA's latest Star Wars title has lots of content, but there could always be a little more - and the community are here to help! Let us show you how to get Mods working with Battlefront 2, then we'll run down the Top 10 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Mods around - from cosmetic fun to a full new single-player mode!

It's actually a surprisingly simple process, but let's take it step by step.

  • Get the Frosty Mod Manager here. Download it and unzip it in the folder of your choosing.
  • Collect the mods you want. Put them in whatever folder you like.
  • Open FrostyModManager.exe. By default first it will ask you for a game .exe - find your Star Wars Battlefront 2 .exe and select it. By default it's in the folder Program Files (x86)/Origin Games/Star Wars Battlefront II.
  • The Top 10 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Mods! (1)

  • Click 'Import Mods' (at the bottom of the screen) and select all the mods you have. You don't have to apply them all at once so just import them all.
  • Click 'Apply Mod(s)' on all the mods you want to add to Battlefront 2. Be warned that some may conflict, so don't say apply two Kylo Ren skins.
  • Click 'Launch' (top of the screen) and Battlefront 2 should launch! Then test the mod!
  • If it doesn't work, exit the game, make sure the mods are definitely in the 'Applied Mods' tab, and try launching again. Make sure you're launching the game through the Manager!
  • </ul>

    Won't Using Mods Get Me Banned?

    Arcade and Single-Player mods - no, because they're offline. Cosmetic ones: no. EA Community Manager Barry has confirmed that purely visual mods that don't change the game, such as Pink Darth Vader, are fine. We've tried the Pink Darth Vader mod and it worked perfectly online, and looked utterly ridiculous.

    The Top 10 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Mods! (2)

    1. Starfighter Assault In Arcade

    The Top 10 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Mods! (3)

    Get the mod here!

    One of the big omissions of the offline single-player Arcade is the great Starfighter Assault. Given that half the ships you encounter are AI anyway, why isn't Battlefront 2's best mode playable offline? This mod makes it happen. Granted it's still quite early, only the Light Side is available, and in the modder's own words it's difficult because your AI team won't play any objectives, it's still good to try out.

    Playable Online?: No.

    2. Pink Darth Vader

    The Top 10 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Mods! (4)

    Get the mod here!

    While EA and Lucasfilm don't seem to want you to get canon-breaking cosmetic items, that's what mods are for. There are a ton of great character skins for the various classes and heroes, most of which are available for use online without fear, but the king is probably the Pink Darth Vader - which EA's CFO Blake Jorgensen said specifically would probably didn't want. We do now, and we have it.

    Playable Online?: Yes!

    3. Character Skin Selection

    The Top 10 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Mods! (5)

    Get the mod here!

    Speaking of cosmetics, we've already reported on how alternative character skins are already available in the game's files. This mod unlocks them, including the likes of Twi'lek and Sullustan. Make sure to check out the description for some important safety information, such as how to turn it off again!

    Playable Online?: Hmm, yes, but as it unlocks game files that means these particular cosmetics are visible to everyone! Absolutely use at your own risk, and let the modder know if you get banned, and he'll remove it.

    4. Better AI Characters

    The Top 10 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Mods! (6)

    Get the mod here!

    The Arcade mode is fun, but the AI are kinda stupid, never sprinting, dodging, or doing much except moving forward slowly then shooting. This mod makes offline firefights far more interesting by improving the AI significantly, and modder KrazIvan777 continues to update it. Essential if you're playing Arcade.

    5. Better Looking Lightsabers

    The Top 10 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Mods! (7)

    Get the mod here!

    Alternative Version Here!

    Two versions of a similar mod here. The lightsabers in Battlefront 2 are kinda boring and don't really look like their film versions. These mods make them more cinematic, with Kylo Ren's stuttering flame sword benefiting the most. Only use one of these, mind.

    Playable Online?: Yes!

    6. 25v25 or 32v32 Custom Arcade Battles

    The Top 10 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Mods! (8)

    Get the 25v25 mod here!

    Get the 32v32 mod here!

    These two mods increase the AI player count in Arcade to ridiculous levels, making much more of a battle. The 25v25 one you can use without problems, but the 32v32 one needs to be disabled before you go online and is a bit more unstable. Lots of fun, either way.

    7. Autumn on Endor or Takodana

    The Top 10 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Mods! (9)

    Get the Endor mod here!

    Get the Takodana mod here!

    These pretty mods turn the lush green forests of Endor and Takodana to Autumn, with brown leaves and all the pretty colours. It's really quite cool, and can be taken online without any fuss.

    Playable Online?: Yes!

    8. Jedi Master Leia

    The Top 10 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Mods! (10)

    Get the mod here!

    The one thing missing from the new Sequels is Leia becoming a proper Jedi Master (Mary Poppins moment notwithstanding). This mod corrects that, replacing Luke with the classic Expanded Universe version of Jedi Master Leia Organa. It'll be confusing to play alongside Regular Princess Leia, but that's your own risk.

    Playable Online?: Yes!

    9. One-Hit Lightsabers

    Get the mod here!

    Or "realistic" lightsabers as the mod is slightly ridiculously known. If you don't know, lightsabers have been utterly nerfed in Battlefront 2, so you can no longer kill enemies immediately and have to bash them a few times before they die, even in Arcade. This mod corrects that issue, making lightsabers one-hit kills - as they should be. This only works in Arcade, unfortunately.

    Playable Online?: No.

    10. Matt The Radar Technician

    Get the mod here!

    Please check out the Saturday Night Live sketch so you know why we included this. This mod changes Kylo Ren into his undercover role as Matt, the Radar Technician. The downside is he only works with the special The Last Jedi pre-order skin.

    Playable Online?: Yes!

    Oh, and additionally you can get modder GameTSF other mod where you can turn your entire team into Matts. And that's totally worth it.

    The Top 10 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Mods! (11)

    We'll keep you posted for the inevitable Dark Helmet Spaceballs mod for Darth Vader.

    The Top 10 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Mods! (2024)


    Who is the strongest character in Battlefront 2? ›

    Anakin Skywalker Is Star Wars Battlefront 2's Most Powerful Hero.

    How long does it take to 100 Star Wars Battlefront 2? ›

    If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 64½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.

    What is the max level in Star Wars Battlefront 2 2017? ›

    Prestige levels span until level 1000, where the unit is considered maxed out. The easiest way to tell if an unit is Prestiged is that the unit's level number has a golden outline. Units are considered Prestiged above these levels - the previous level cap for each: Troopers: 70.

    Is it safe to mod Battlefront 2? ›

    We advise that you do not use mods online, and as always, you use of these mods is done at your own risk.

    Who is the best character to use in Battlefront 2? ›

    Heres my ranking in accordance to Galactic Assault:
    • Luke Skywalker.
    • Darth Vader.
    • Anakin Skywalker.
    • Finn.
    • BB-8.
    • Emperor Palpatine.
    • Rey Skywalker.
    • Bossk.

    Who is the #1 Battlefront 2 player? ›

    STAR WARS Battlefront II
    Ranking #PSN ID
    45 more rows

    How many hours does it take to unlock Darth Vader in Battlefront 2? ›

    Many players had already preordered the game at full price before hearing that unlocking characters like Darth Vader would require roughly 40 hours of matches. Each match lasts roughly 15 minutes, so 40 hours means a lot of matches.

    How long to unlock everything in Battlefront 2? ›

    Unlocking Everything in Star Wars Battlefront II Requires 4,528 hours or $2100 : r/StarWarsBattlefront.

    Who has the most hours on Battlefront 2? ›

    Most STAR WARS Battlefront II Playtime Ladder (Worldwide)
    #Steam IDPlaytime (H)
    1aeon47,660 ..21,506
    3DaEnTrY-Fr@GG3R BidenSkins. DaEnTrY-Fr@GG3R..20,062
    160 more rows

    Why is Battlefront 2 a 16? ›

    Star Wars Battlefront is a series of shooter video games, based on the Star Wars films. Games include frequent, realistic, violent imagery which is why they are only suitable for players who are at least 16 years of age.

    Who is the most powerful person in Battlefront 2? ›

    Anakin is by far the most offensive Hero in the Battlefront II roster, with abilities designed to crush, maim and annihilate both troops and Villains, alike.

    What is the best Star Wars Battlefront 2 Gamemode? ›

    most popular game mode? Galactic Assault is the main one.

    What is the best Palpatine mod for Battlefront 2? ›

    Here's the TLDR breakdown for Emperor Palpatine's most popular mods:
    • Mod Set: Speed (4) and. Potency (2)
    • Best Arrow (Receiver) Mod Primary Stat: Speed.
    • Best Triangle (Holo-Array) Mod Primary Stat: Protection.
    • Best Circle (Data-Bus) Mod Primary Stat: Protection.
    • Best Cross (Multiplexer) Mod Primary Stat: Potency.

    What is the best Battlefront 2 gun? ›

    Best “Battlefront 2” guns
    • Guns in “Battlefront 2” have been one of the most controversial items in the game. ...
    • The best gun for specialists is the NT-242. ...
    • The best gun for heavy use is the DC-15LE, which is a gun that is used for close and medium range attacks. ...
    • The best gun for officers is the S-5.
    Apr 24, 2022


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