Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)

Star-Gazette, Dec. 30, 1981 Drowning ng prompts 911 talk By TOM MAGUIRE A man at the scene of a drowning in Miller Pond Monday said the lack of an emergency number such as 911 contributed to the tragedy. Asked about that Tuesday, Chemung County Sheriff Carl F. Draxler said an emergency number "in all probability would have cut down the time factor" of getting help to the pond. City firefighters arrived at the pond shortly after being reached by a neighbor who went through a telephone operator in Syracuse.

Thinking the operator had hung up on him, the man went to the pond to see what he could do to help. Returning to his house, he found that the operator was calling him back and switching him to the fire department. After that delay, Fire Dept. Capt. Donald Harrison responded within two minutes and found the body of Brian Cruise, 8, under the water.

The idea of a 911 number in Chemung County faded in 1978, Draxler said, when it became bogged down in politics. Some police and fire agencies, Draxler said, feared that having a central dispatcher for 911 would "infringe on their territorial rights." County and city officials also differed over whether to use 911 strictly for police and fire calls, or to include crisis intervention. Without the emergency number, Draxler said, there have been isolated instances of delayed responses because of a question of jurisdiction when residents call the operator. Marguerite Reynolds, local spokeswoman for the phone company, said she could not comment on delayed responses unless she was asked of specific instances. She and the man who reported Monday's incident, Frederick W.

Cady, agreed that the operator handling his call acted properly. "I was very confused," Cady said, explaining why he hung up the phone before getting a response from the operator. He added that when he made the call he was unsure what to report because he had received third -hand information that a child was in the pond. Operators reached by Chemung County callers, Reynolds said, a are in Syracuse, Utica and Binghamton. "Our procedure for handling she said, "is no different than was when the operator was sitting Elmiin" ra." Draxler stressed the need for residents to keep emergency numbers handy.

The department has stickers that it places in phone booths and distributes to residents. "People should be familiar with the number to call for any emergency," said Elmira Heights Police Chief Henry C. O'Neill. "Our fire department tries to put the number before everybody in the district." 5 State halts dump cleanup WAVERLY New York State Attorney General Robert Abrams has ordered a temporary halt to the cleanup of an illegal toxic dump at the Philip Austin farm near here because the water table at the farm is much higher than expected. Abrams has asked for an updated plan't to deal with the new development by 3134 mid-January.

"The groundwater there is closer to the soil surface than was anticipated," an attorney general's public relations officer said Tuesday. When a consent order with Packaging Systems Corporation was signed in October, it stipulated that the company remove 140 metal barrels filled with highly toxic liquid chemicals, all contaminated materials, from the quarter- Man jailed after car chase PAINTED POST A Houston, Texas, resident faces eight criminal and traffic charges following a high-speed chase from Erwin Junction to Painted Post at about 6:30 p.m. Monday. Steuben County Sheriff's Deputy Dale Scouten said Ronald Twist, 23, was seen outside a pickup truck on the ramp connecting Rt. 417 with Rt.

15 at Erwin Junction. The deputy said that when he stopped to offer assistance, Twist jumped into the truck and drove north on Rt. 15 at a high rate of speed. Scouten said he pursued Twist to the traffic circle connecting Rts. 15 and 17 at Painted Post, at which point the truck struck guard rails, traveled over the median and struck two traffic signs.

The cap on the truck then came off, striking two vehicles, Scouten said. truck skidded sideways for nearly 160 feet, coming to rest on N. Hamil- Obituaries NEW YORK CHEMUNG COUNTY Brian Cruise, 8, of 422 Milton Elmira, Monday, Dec. 28, 1981. Funeral services Thursday, St.

Patrick's Church, Elmira. Arrangements by Barrett Funeral Home, Elmira. Nora E. Webb, 87, of Elcor Nursing Home, Horseheads, Tuesday, Dec. 29, an antique dealer.

Funeral Thursday, St. Charles Borromeo Church, Elmira Heights. Arrangements by Barrett Funeral Home, Elmira. ARCO Established Business For Lease 3-Bay. Facility High Volume High Profit Potential Call John Fowler at 562-8989 ALFRED R.

TYMINSKI, Esq. (Formerly a Federal Administrative Law Judge) SPECIALIZING IN SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY CASES OTHER FEDERAL MATTERS For a local appointment Call collect 315-424-0912 NEW YORK $67 Per person, each way, in groups of six. and refurning the same day. Tax included. Elmira Aeronautical Corporation 607-739-3597 DIVORCE $295 (UNCONTESTED COMPLETE LEGAL CLINIC of ANDREW J.

COHEN 166 Court St. Binghamton BANKRUPTCY free consultation 772-0787 CHARGE IT AT HESSELSON'S after Christmas Sale OFF ALL SHIRTS JACKETS APPAREL Does not include Woohuch school jackets BOTH STORES All DOWN THINSULATE, HOLLOFIL, POLYESTER JACKETS VESTS BOTH STORES ALL SNOWMOBILE SUITS BOTH STORES ALL WINTER BOOTS including CHIPPEWA KAUFFMAN BOTH STORES OFF ANY NEW GUN SCOPE or GUN CASE IN STOCK BOTH STORES ALL ARCHERY SUPPLIES BOWS, ARROWS, ACCESSORIES, ETC. IN STOCK BOTH STORES ton the deputy said. Twist fled on foot but was apprehended by Scouten, deputies said. Twist was charged with driving while intoxicated, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, speeding, resisting arrest, reckless driving, driving without a license, failure to yield the right of way and failure to comply with a police directive.

The unauthorized use of a motor vehicle charge was added after police discovered that the truck Twist was driving was stolen from the parking lot of the Petticoat Bar, Erwin Junction. The truck is owned by Leo Peck of Corning RD 2, police said. Arraigned before Erwin Town Justice John McCarthy, Twist was committed to Steuben County Jail in lieu of $2,000 bail to await another court appearance. YATES COUNTY Dorothy E. Temple, 73, of McElwee Road, Penn Yan, Sunday, Dec.

27, 1981. She was a homemaker. Funeral Wednesday, Pennington Funeral Home, Dundee. PENNSYLVANIA TIOGA COUNTY Andrew Frasier, 91, of Broad Acres Nursing Home, Wellsboro, Monday, Dec. 28, 1981.

He was a retired farmer. Funeral services Wednesday, Kenyon Funeral Home, Westfield. Gabrielle L. Hurley, 76, of 60 Vosburg Mansfield, Monday, Dec. 28, 1981.

She was a homemaker. Funera! Thursdav. Holy Child Cath- acre dump site by Dec. 31, but the order has been changed. Lanie Accles, speaking for Abrams' office, said the groundwater is as close as six inches to the surface in some spots at the dump site, located just off Rt.

34 one mile north of Waverly. Accles further said the discovery was made after seven test wells were dug. The spokeswoman said the attorneys and engineers handling the cleanup case expected that the ground water would be at least two feet below the surface at the highest point. Accles said it appears as if several of the barrels are sitting in the ground water below the surface, but she said she did not know the condition of the metal containers. Accles characterized the recent move to suspend the operation and update the removal plan as "more of a precaution than drastic change." No prosecutions have been made as a result of the discovery of the cache of poisonous chemicals, but Packaging Systems Corporation has agreed to pay for the entire cleanup effort.

Company officials were unavailable for comment Tuesday. The firm has hired an Ontario, Canada, firm, Conestoga-Rovers Associates to supervise the work. Two field representatives from the attorney general's office are monitoring the operation. olic Church, Mansfield. Arrangements by Kuhl Funeral Home, Mansfield.

Charles D. Wagner, 70, of Middlebury Center RD 2, Monday, Dec. 28, 1981. He was a retired farmer and former employee of Corning Glass Works, Wellsboro Division. Funeral Thursday, Middlebury Baptist Church, Holiday, Pa.

Arrangements by Tussey-Mosher Funeral Home, Wellsboro. Lester H. White, 71, of Wellsboro RD 6, ee of American LaFrance Corp. Funeral ThursTuesday, a Dec. 29, 1981.


350 S. Main St. Phone 734-3366 Phone 734-2727 PUDGIES PIZZA, Heights PUDGIES PIZZA, Horseheads 111 E. 14th St. 134 W.

Franklin Phone 734-3933 Phone 739-8781 THANK GOODNESS IT'S PUDGIE'S 20 OFF ALL WEIGHT SETS BENCHES, EXERCYCLES IN STOCK BOTH STORES CLEARANCE CLEARANCE CLEARANCE Save up UP TO OFF UP. TO OFF I BOYS JR. BOYS BOYS MENS JR. BOYS SWEATERS Choose from the latest SPORT Choose from many styles including collar styles assorted fabrics, colors. SHIRTS pullover, cardigans Many come with Choose from collar many more.

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of stock. Not in styles. every style, all price Reg. range, size or color Reg. in all styles.

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but a large selecStyle pic- tion to choose tured is rep- from. resentative polyester of Not every prints, stripes style, price Reg. range, size $5.99 38-44. or color in all styles. Reg.

Reg. Sale Sale Sale $1988 $299 $700 $2988 $1000 SOUTHTOWN ONLY SOUTHTOWN ONLY SOUTHTOWN ONLY Save Save up to WOMENS ROBES GIRLS WINTER (Quilts, Solids, prints, Fleeces, button Piles) fronts, OUTERWEAR zipper fronts and quilts, all in all colors and Coats in regular and boot styles a large selection to choose from. snowmobiles, snow pants and Reg. entire stock in time for winter's worst Sale colors: nylon, navy, red, berry, green, Save blue, stock of fants, 2-4T, 4-6X. 7-14 all styles FLANNEL BRUSH in all colors sizes SLEEPWEAR a choose large selec- from.

Solids, prints, waltz and long length tion to in sizes 32- dolls, 48.. brush bunny gown sets.flannel baby and Reg. not all styles in all colors and a large selection to Sale choose from. Reg. Sale SOUTHTOWN FLOWERS SOUTHTOWN ONLY ONLY VISA" Mon, thru Sat.

10-9 Sun. 12-5 SOUTHTOWN PLAZA Hesselsons HEIGHTS STORE Sat. 10-6 1600 CEDAR STREET SOUTHTOWN PLAZA SOUTHPORT 734-4195 Thurs, Fri. 10-9 HEIGHTS STORE 163 E. 14th ELMIRA HEIGHTS 733-4665.

Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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