How To Do The 369 Manifestation Method | The Manifestation Collective (2024)

Step 1. Decide Your Manifestation

First of all, grab your journal and pen. You’ll need these for the next 33 days. There is real power in taking pen to paper so even though it might feel archaic in a digital age, I’d suggest writing rather than typing away on a laptop or phone.

We are going to begin the process by thinking of one manifestation that lasts for 17 seconds (usually around 2 sentences long). But why 17 seconds? That feels like a number I’ve picked out of thin air, right?

The readings of Abraham Hicks reveal time and time again the power of holding an affirmation for this length of time, with the brain taking 17 seconds to create the energy of the thought we focus on. For example, if we focus on the thought of love for 17 seconds, our brain then starts to create more and more of that energy, in turn, aligning you to that which you are claiming.

Side note: Has anyone noticed that 7-1 equals 6? Just call me Victoria Tesla.

What could your manifestation be? This all depends on what you’d like to attract into your life. This technique has helped people welcome money, love, house moves, new jobs – the universe doesn’t put a limitation on what you’d like to manifest, as long as it is safe for you, for others and the planet.

Start the manifestation with gratitude, add in emotion and finish with the words “into my life”. For example:

“I am so thankful for the universe aligning with me to attract £10,000 into my bank account, bringing with it financial freedom, joy and excitement into my life.”

The key is to use words that amplify the emotion and energy you want to attract. As you can see here, I have used kinaesthetic words such as freedom, joy and excitement which are words you can really feel inside of your body.

Another example could be:

“I am so thankful for the universe aligning with me to attract my soulmate, bringing with it a deep sense of love, happiness, contentment and an inner peace in my heart into my life.”

Once you have perfected your manifestation – remember, 17 seconds is around the time it takes to write two sentences – and aligned your words to the energy you want to attract and amplify, it is time to start the first of 33 days of the 369 manifestation method.

Step 2. Journal 3 times in the morning

Take your journal every morning as soon as you wake up. Write your 17 second long manifestation that you have crafted out above, 3 times. The key to success when manifesting anything is to focus on the feeling. Focus on the energy of what it is you want to attract and how it will feel when (not if) it enters your life.

As your pen starts to script your desire onto paper, imagine the feeling of money arriving into your life and how you will feel seeing it sat patiently in your savings account. Or imagine the love you will feel when your soulmate arrives, and you know with all of your heart they were meant for you.

Now release your desire and trust that the universe will work her magic. Start your day and do not hold on to your manifestation. We know at this point that as soon as you hold on too tight, your manifestation doesn’t appear because the universe senses lack and desperation.

Perhaps the key if you struggle with relinquishing control, is to use this method on something you would like to attract into your life, but not something that means so much you need it to appear right away.

Step 3. Journal 6 times at midday

The next step is midway through the day, perhaps on your lunch. Take out your journal again and write the same manifestation above, 6 times. Again, follow the same process as before, immersing yourself in the energy of how it will feel, visualising yourself being with your desire.

I will often force myself to smile initially when I am manifesting as this can trick the brain into lifting your mood and lowering stress almost instantly. A forced smile will soon become a natural one, especially as you write down your desire.

Again, release and move on with your day.

Step 4. Write your desire 9 times before bed

Finally, before bed, take your journal and write out your high-vibe manifestation, but this time you’ll do so 9 times, following the same method used throughout the day. The initial 3 scripts were to set the intention to the universe, the following 6 were to amplify them and the final 9 are to set this manifestation in stone.

By utilising the power of the 369 manifestation method, alongside Abraham Hicks’ readings on the power of 17 seconds and energy alignment, it is no wonder this technique has proved so incredibly powerful for so many people.

Follow the 369 manifestation method for 33 days (3 x 3 = 9 or 3+3 = 6) and see what magic occurs.

Tips for the 369 Manifestation Method

  1. Be sure to speak in the present as if your manifestation is already yours. By using words such as “I will” or “I want” you are speaking to the universe as if you do not have your desire, which leads her to deliver more of what you don’t have. Speak in the present tense and know that your manifestation is yours, it just hasn’t arrived yet.
  2. As mentioned above, do not obsess over your manifestation. The how and when are not yours to consider; this is where divine timing comes into play and trusting in the universe to know that when your energy is ready to receive your desire, it will be yours.
  3. Trust that your manifestation could appear way before the 33 days are over! Again, divine timing will make sure your desires appear when you are ready to accept them. If you reach the end of the 33 days and you are still awaiting magic to appear, do not give up hope. Release this into the universe and sit in the faith that it will soon be yours because you have claimed it!
  4. Be consistent. For this to truly work, you must set the time aside each day to write 3 times on a morning, 6 times through the day and 9 times before you go to sleep. Set an alarm so you don’t forget and make the time in your schedule to make this a priority. I promise you, you won’t regret it.
  5. If you feel negativity or self-doubt creeping in when going through the 369 manifestation method, you will struggle to match your energy to that of what you desire. Take some time when doubts arise to step away from the method and write down what these are. Are they truth or a belief? Can you control the doubt and change something, or do you need to release something you have no control over? Can you reframe it somehow? Manifesting money can bring blocks to the surface for people, so the key is to feel aligned to the total you would like to attract. If you struggle to sit in the energy of £10,000, can you sit in the energy of what it feels like to manifest £1000? And do this technique over and over again until you reach your total needed? Take time to heal yourself. Side note: If manifesting money is something you would like to really understand this year, then make sure you check out my money manifesting course right here.

Let me know in the comments below if you are going to try the 369 manifesting method or if you already have or come and chat to me on Instagram @themanifestationcollective.

How To Do The 369 Manifestation Method | The Manifestation Collective (2024)


How to do the 3 6 9 method? ›

How 369 manifestation method works? The method involves writing down your desired manifestation three times in the morning, six times during the day, and nine times in the evening. This repetition throughout the day is believed to reinforce your intention and signal the universe to bring your desire into reality.

How long does it take for the 369 method to work? ›

The time it takes for the 369 manifestation method to work varies widely from person to person. Some people may see changes within a few weeks, while others may take several months to notice significant results.

What is the 3 step manifestation method? ›

How to manifest your desires: a simple 3-step process
  1. Step 1: Get clear on your desires.
  2. Step 2: Set yourself up for manifestation success.
  3. Step 3: Integrate manifestation into your daily life.

How to write in Project 369? ›

Method 369 involves writing down what you want to 3 times in the morning, 6 times during the day, and 9 times at night.

How to write manifestation example? ›

For example:
  • I am capable of succeeding at my goals.
  • I am open to being the best version of myself.
  • I open my mind and soul to creativity.
  • I welcome positive energy in my life.
  • I release all of my insecurities.
  • I have a right to fulfill my dreams.
  • I am capable of self-love.
Jul 31, 2022

How to manifest what you want? ›

How to manifest things
  1. Think of something you want.
  2. Visualize it in detail, being as specific as possible, as though you already have it.
  3. Ask the universe for it.
  4. Say or write positive affirmations in the present tense (e.g., “I've landed my dream job.”) or look for images that capture what you're trying to manifest.
Jun 1, 2023

Can you write the 369 method on your phone? ›

Can You Do the 369 Method on Your Phone? While writing by hand is recommended to better imprint your intentions, using your phone is also acceptable if it means you'll stick with the practice.

Which manifestation method works best? ›

Manifestation is based on the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction.
  • Practice the 777 Method. ...
  • Make a 10-10-10 Worksheet. ...
  • Keep a Journal. ...
  • Make Positive Statements. ...
  • Work Toward Your Goal. ...
  • Get Out of Your Comfort Zone. ...
  • Build Your Confidence. ...
  • Seek Support.
Jan 1, 2024

What happens if you miss a day of manifesting? ›

If you miss a day of manifestation, don't worry! Just pick up where you left off and keep going. The important thing is to not give up and to keep your focus on your goals. Remember, the Universe is always working in your favor, so trust that the things you desire will come to you.

What is the 3 3 manifestation method? ›

Now comes the heart of the 33x3 manifestation method. For three consecutive days, write down your desire 33 times. You can use a notebook, a piece of paper, a journal, or even your digital device.

What is the 777 method of manifestation? ›

What is the 777 manifestation method? The 777 manifestation method is a writing technique where a person writes down what they would like to manifest, 7 times in the morning and 7 times in the evening/night, for 7 consecutive days. The technique has become popular on TikTok — and for good reason.

What is the first rule of manifestation? ›

#1 The Law of Manifestation

' The Law of Manifestation states that our thoughts and feelings create our reality –and what we focus on is what we will manifest in our lives.

What is the 369 secret formula? ›

The 369 method blends the ancient practice of manifestation with numerology. It requires you to repeat your manifestation three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times at night for most effective results.

How many days should you do the 369 method? ›

You can do this any way you choose. For example, you can look at yourself in the mirror while you say the affirmation. Alternatively, if you prefer writing instead, you can either write it in your journal or on sticky notes that you then stick all around. Do this continuously for 21 days, says Kristine.

Is Project 369 worth it? ›

I like that it helps keep me focused on my desires in life on a daily basis. This book helped me keep my goals & desires in front of me at all times! Being consistent with my goals kept me on track. I would recommend this to anyone who has a goal or wants to change their life as a wonderful tool to get you started!

What is the 3 6 9 training method? ›

Five to ten minutes per round is a good place to start. This takes place over three rounds. In the first round, you will perform each exercise in the circuit 3 times, then 6 times in the second round and finally, you'll perform 9 repetitions in the last round.

How many times a day should you do the 3 6 9 method? ›

To use the 369 method for manifesting, you'll need to create a manifestation affirmation (detailed below) and write it 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening before bed for at least 21 days.

What is the 369 method for dream job? ›

Stay Consistent: The Rhythm of Manifestation

Consistency in the 369 method is about creating a rhythm that harmonises with the universe's vibrations. By writing your affirmations three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening, you're engaging in a sacred ritual.

What does 369 mean spiritually? ›

The number 369 is frequently linked to enlightenment and spiritual awakening in spirituality and philosophy. This number was regarded as a symbol of spiritual strength and transformation by many prehistoric societies, who held that it embodied the divine principles underlying the cosmos and its processes of creation.


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