Friday, August 23rd, 2024 (2025)

Friday, August 23rd, 2024 (1)

Dear Ivy Hall Families,

What a wonderful first week of school! It was energizing walking into classrooms, the gym, and outside on the playground and seeing all the positive connections that have already been made between students and staff. We had our first PAWS drawing this afternoon and our students were so excited to be recognized for following the K triple R, (Kind, Respectful, Responsible, and Ready).

Thank you to all the families who attended Curriculum Night this past Wednesday. I hope you enjoyed hearing about the incredible teaching and learning that will happen this year! If you were unable to attend, please reach out to your child’s teacher to obtain a digital version of their presentation.

Next week we will have another full week of school and instruction before the long holiday weekend. Students will be taking MAP on Wednesday 8/28 and Thursday 8/29. A healthy breakfast, a good night’s sleep, and some positive words of encouragement will help make these two testing days successful. We look forward to another great week of learning.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mike Senatore

REPEAT *Important August Dates*

  • Monday, August 26th - Law Enforcement Safety Drill (see below)
  • Tuesday, August 27th - Early Release at 2:05 p.m. at Country Meadows, Ivy Hall, Kildeer, & Prairie. Please see the Twin Groves, Woodlawn, and Willow Grove Principal’s Message for attendance times.
  • Wednesday, August 28th and Thursday, August 29th - MAP Testing
  • Thursday, August 29th Curriculum Night at Country Meadows
    • 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. (Grades 1 and 2)
    • 7:15 to 8 p.m. (Grades 3-5)
  • Wednesday, August 30th - Picture Day

NEW *Law Enforcement Safety Drill*

On Monday, August 26th, Ivy Hall will be conducting a Law Enforcement Safety Drill.

In compliance with the Safety Drill Act, parents have the right to exempt their child from the Law Enforcement Drill.

If you do not wish your child to participate in the Law Enforcement Safety Drill, please contact Mike Senatore at [emailprotected]. The administration will arrange for an alternative review of safety procedures with your child.

If we do not hear from you, we will assume your child has permission to participate in the drill.


Reminder, KCSD96 parents and guardians! Tuesday, August 27th is an Early Release Day. Kindergarten and Grades 1-5 dismiss at 2:05pm. Grades 6-8 dismiss at 1:30pm. Structured EC goes from 8:40am-2:05pm. ECSE/Blended AM goes from 8:40am-10:10am. Blended PM goes from 12:35pm-2:05pm.

NEW *NWEA MAP Assessment*

All students in grades K-8 will be participating in the NWEA MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) assessment on Wednesday, August 28th, and Thursday, August 29th. The MAP assessment is a normed-referenced, computerized adaptive test that helps teachers, parents, and administrators improve learning for all students and make informed decisions to promote a child's academic growth. Like in previous years, all students will be taking the MAP test in reading and math during the school day.

NEW *Erin’s Law*

An Illinois law known as Erin’s Law requires schools to implement an age-appropriate sexual assault and abuse awareness/prevention curriculum for Early Childhood through Grade 12.

Kildeer Countryside CCSD 96 researched and observed best practices and programs for delivering this instruction, selecting Be Seen & Heard ©. For more information about this presentation please go to

This developmentally appropriate and interactive program focuses on teaching children skills to keep them safe from danger or abuse. Concepts discussed will include distinguishing safe from unsafe touches, safety rules at home and school, saying NO, safe/unsafe secrets, and telling a trusted adult, as well as reinforcing that an adult’s touching him or her is not the child’s fault.

Opt-Out Procedures

The presentation to Ivy Hall students will be during the school day on Friday, September 13th. If you prefer that your child does not attend this prevention education session, please submit your written request or your questions to [emailprotected]

NEW *Music Boosters Blog*

Please see the D96 Music Boosters’ Blog for important information related to our music (band and orchestra) program. Click here for the most recent blog post.

REPEAT *5th Grade Band Starting Next Week, still time to join!*

The band program is open to 5th grade students only. Students may learn one of 7 instruments during their 5th grade year in the beginning band: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium, and Percussion. (Percussion consists of drum pad or snare drum and mallets.) We will begin our lessons at Ivy Hall on Wednesday, August 21 and Prairie on Friday, August 23. Many students are already signed up for band but there have been new families that have moved into the area and some families that did not fully make their decision yet, but now want to sign their student up for band. If this is you, please follow this Beginning Band Registration link to sign up your student for band and get the necessary information so they can be ready to go on our first day of practice. If you have questions please email Mr. Nagle, [emailprotected]

REPEAT *Arrival and Dismissal Procedures for the ‘24-’25 School Year*

There are many rules and procedures regarding arrival and dismissal. These procedures have been developed with student safety as the most important consideration. These plans and procedures were developed in conjunction with our Facilities Director (Sam Miranda) and the Buffalo Grove Police Department. The Buffalo Grove police and District 96 appreciate your patience and understanding as we have established these routines in the interest of safety. The first few dismissals can be slow due to staff and students learning their routines. Please be patient. The picture below denotes all the forms of transportation that we have here at Ivy Hall. Please observe the picture and note areas where walkers, busers, and private transportation arrive and depart from here at Ivy Hall.

Friday, August 23rd, 2024 (2)

REPEAT *Simultaneous Student Pick-Up from Willow Grove & Elementary Schools*

Please know that we understand that some families may have concerns related to picking students up from Willow Grove and an elementary school building. Please know that all principals are aware of this concern, and no child will ever be left unattended. We know you may be going to more than one school with the same dismissal time. We appreciate your best effort in picking your children up in a timely manner, and we appreciate you adhering to our dismissal times. If when you arrive at a building your child is not waiting outside with an adult, please park and come to the front office. If you will be after 3:15 to a specific location, please call and inform the office of your ETA.

Friday, August 23rd, 2024 (2025)


What day does August 23rd fall on in 2024? ›

National days on Fri Aug 23rd, 2024.

What will happen on August 24, 2024? ›

National days on Sat Aug 24th, 2024. It's National Waffle Day, William Wilberforce Day, Kobe Bryant Day, Vesuvius Day, Pluto Demoted Day… and much more!

What is special about August 23rd? ›

National Space Day in India commemorates the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the Moon. It is celebrated on 23 August.

What days is August 25 2024? ›

View the day's events.

What is the first Sunday of August in 2024? ›

4 August (First Sunday of August) – Friendship Day

Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of August and in 2024 it falls on 4 August.

What days is August 22 2024? ›

National days on Thu Aug 22nd, 2024. It's Burger Day, Never Bean Better Day, National Bao Day, National Pecan Torte Day, Daffodil Day… and much more!

What national holiday is August 23rd? ›


Why do people take off August 24? ›

The most common reasons to skip work among workers were stomach bugs, food poisoning, diarrhoea, and vomiting, accounting for 54 per cent of the leaves.

What is the personality of someone born on August 24? ›

Those born on August 24 possess a unique blend of discipline, generosity, and focus, making them dependable and reliable individuals. You are someone who pays meticulous attention to detail and thrives in environments where your dedication and precision can shine.

What is the 23rd of August mean? ›

Etymology. Literally, “August 23”, named after the former national day of Romania, commemorating the King Michael's Coup and the beginning of the war against Nazi Germany.

What happened on August 23rd in America? ›

On August 23, 1864, the Union navy captured Fort Morgan, Alabama, breaking the Confederate dominance of the ports of the Gulf of Mexico.

Who has the birthday August 23? ›

23. Here are some of the notable people celebrating birthdays today, including Barbara Eden, Jeremy Lin, Julian Casablancas, Linda Thompson, Rick Springfield, Scott Caan and more.

How many days in aug 2024? ›

July 31, 2024, falls on a Wednesday. August starts this Thursday and has 31 days.

Why is August 25 special? ›

We have 10 holidays listed for August 25. August 25 is the 237th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day, the Belgian Revolution began, the U.S. National Park Service was created, and Zimbabwe joined the United Nations.

What is the third week of August 2024? ›

Week Numbers for 2024
Week numberFrom DateTo Date
Week 31July 29, 2024Aug. 4, 2024
Week 32Aug. 5, 2024Aug. 11, 2024
Week 33Aug. 12, 2024Aug. 18, 2024
Week 34Aug. 19, 2024Aug. 25, 2024
50 more rows

What days is August 31 2024? ›

Saturday, August 31, 2024.

What day is August 26th on in 2024? ›

Monday, August 26, 2024.

What's in August 2024? ›

August, 2024 is also...
  • Beautiful in Your Skin Month.
  • Child Vision Awareness Month.
  • National Golf Month. ...
  • National Breastfeeding Month. ...
  • National Cheerleading Safety Month. ...
  • Family Fun Month. ...
  • National Crayon Collection Month. ...
  • National Panini Month.

What day is August 30th on 2024? ›

Holidays for Friday, August 30th, 2024.


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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.