New Hope Group is a diversified conglomerate with over 600 subsidiaries active in agriculture, dairy and fast-moving consumer goods, real estate and chemical industries. New Hope Liuhe Company, formed in 2005 through a merger between New Hope Group and Liuhe Company, specializes in animal feed, livestock breeding and raising, and food processing, with an operational presence across 21 countries including China, Bangladesh, Cambodia and Sri Lanka. It produces more than 20 billion tons of animal feed annually and processes 1.3 billion chickens and eight million pigs. Furthermore, New Hope Dairy owns more than 20 large scale domestic dairy farms, while New Hope Chemical Investment manufactures feed and fertilizer products from phosphorous and potassium.
- Ranking position
- #264/350
- Total score
- 6.8/100
Measurement area | Score | Rank (0-350) |
Measurement area Governance and strategy | Score #1 3.3 /10 | Rank (0-350): #150 |
Measurement area Environment | Score #1 1.4 /30 | Rank (0-350): #271 |
Measurement area Nutrition | Score #1 1.3 /30 | Rank (0-350): #225 |
Measurement area Social inclusion | Score #1 0.8 /30 | Rank (0-350): #279 |
Segment | Rank |
Segment Agricultural products and commodities | Rank #110 |
Segment Animal proteins | Rank #63 |
Segment Food and beverage manufacturers/processors | Rank #177 |
Segment ranking summary
Active in the agricultural products and commodities, animal proteins, and food and beverage manufacturers/processors segment, New Hope Group performs poorly in all the segments compared to its peers due to its lack of disclosure on most of the indicators. In governance and strategy, the company performs better than the majority in the animal protein industry and shows an average performance in the other two segments. The company lags behind its peers in environment and nutrition, thus showing room for improvement. While New Hope Group shows an average performance on farmers’ resilience, it lags behind its peers on disclosing commitments on human rights and labour rights, as well as evidence of monitoring and grievance mechanisms.
Leading practices
Governance and strategy
No leading practices were identified for the company in the governance and strategy measurement area.
No leading practices were identified for the company in the environment measurement area.
No leading practices were identified for the company in the nutrition measurement area.
Social inclusion
No leading practices were identified for the company in the social inclusion measurement area.
Risks and opportunities
Governance and strategy
Sustainable development strategy
New Hope Group discloses its environmental, social, and governance substantive analysis and issues recognition which includes 19 topics and reports on the latter. However, there is room for improvement by disclosing targets or objectives into a sustainability strategy.Governance and accountability for sustainable development
While the responsibility for the company’s sustainable development strategy lies with the board office and the brand department, the company has an opportunity to strengthen accountability by assigning this responsibility to its highest governance body and disclosing further information on its decision-making processes and oversight responsibilities, as well as linking sustainability objectives and targets to roles and remuneration.Stakeholder engagement
While the company has conducted stakeholder engagement activities and discloses an overview of the issues raised via these activities, it has an opportunity to disclose how it identifies its most relevant stakeholders, along with information on how the outcomes of the engagement process are integrated into the company’s sustainable development strategy. -
Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions
While the company discloses quantitative evidence to demonstrate that it is reducing its scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, it has an opportunity to strengthen its commitment by setting targets and reporting against them.Soil health and agrobiodiversity and fertiliser and pesticide use
The company does not disclose that it is adopting sustainable production practices that improve soil health and increase agrobiodiversity nor that optimise the use of fertilisers and pesticides.Animal welfare
The company does not disclose that it is addressing key animal welfare issues for its relevant key species in its own operations. It has an opportunity to disclose a commitment that addresses key issues for animal welfare across its relevant species, geographies and products.Water use
While the company discloses its water savings, it does not demonstrate quantitative reductions in water withdrawals across its own operations.Protein diversification
The company does not disclose that it is diversifying its protein portfolio, for instance, by increasing the proportion of plant-based proteins and other alternatives such as cell-based meat analogues and plant-based dairy options. -
Food safety
While the company discloses compliance with national regulations and/or the Codex General Principles of Food Hygiene, it has an opportunity to strengthen its commitment by disclosing the percentage of its own operations that are certified to a food safety scheme by the Global Food Safety Initiative or other widely recognised (industry-specific) certification.Availability of healthy foods
The company does not provide evidence of improving the nutritional quality of its products and of proportionally increasing the sales of healthy and nutritious foods.Accessibility and affordability of healthy foods
The company does not disclose a commitment and activities to improve the accessibility and affordability of healthy foods for vulnerable groups.Clear and transparent labelling
The company does not disclose that it provides nutritional information through clear, transparent and accurate labelling.Responsible marketing
The company does not disclose a responsible marketing policy, nor guidelines specific to marketing to children. -
Social inclusion
Child and forced labour
The company does not disclose a commitment to prohibit child and forced labour in its operations and supply chain.Living wage
The company does not disclose that it pays its workers a living wage or requires its suppliers to do the same. Neither has it set targets to do so in the futureLand rights
The company does not commit to recognising and respecting the legitimate tenure rights related to the ownership and use of land of local communities.Health and safety of vulnerable groups
The company does not disclose that it specifically recognises the health and safety risks to vulnerable groups, such as migrant and temporary labourers, women and young farmers.Farmer and fisher productivity and resilience
Although the company assists rural revitalization by means of a training program for 100,000 new farmers for free and discloses the details of the programme, it can strengthen its performance by disclosing the results of these activities.
Core social indicators
The core social indicators are part of the social inclusion measurement area. These indicators assess societal expectations of business conduct that companies should meet if they aspire to be part of a system transformation that leaves no one behind.
Respect human rights
No policies or commitments related to respect for human rights were found in the public domain. This includes the necessary policies and systems to respect basic human rights in its operations and supply chain.
Provide and promote decent work
No evidence of policies or commitments related to key decent work issues were found in the public domain. This includes the provision of secure, safe and healthy workplaces, where workers are fairly remunerated and have a meaningful say in decision making.
Act ethically
No policies or commitments related to key ethical business topics – personal data protection, tax, bribery and corruption, and lobbying and political engagement – were found in the public domain. This includes ensuring ethical business conduct throughout its operations and in its relationships with business partners.
More about the company
- Headquarters
- Chengdu, China
- Food and agriculture revenue USD
- Not available
- Group revenue USD
- 10,014,492,800
- Onwnership structure
- Private
- Number of employees
- 62,000
- Website